Dr. Malte Hozzel
"The nose behind the line"


Dr. Malte Hozzel was born in Germany in 1944, and received his Ph.D. from Heidelberg University in world literature and culture anthropology. Together with his wife Veronique, he lived as a public lecturer in various European countries, had articles and books published, most of them focusing on the collective transformation of Western society and man's research into a more expanded awareness about himself and his position in the universe. 

Over the years, Dr. Hozzel has had two particular fascinations: Research into the nature of consciousness and research into nature. These interests took him on many journeys through a number of countries around the world, meeting with traditional healers and famous practitioners of Ayurveda (the traditional healing system of India). During this time essential oils became a major focus of Dr. Hozzel's interest, and thus the seed for AYUS Essential Oils Int'l. was planted. Ayus was formally established in 1989 in Germany, with Dr. Hozzel's oils first being introduced into the United States in 1992. 

Years of research in the field of Aromatherapy by Dr. Malte Hozzel, has culminated in a selection of over 500 essential oils. It is apparent that one must have a very comprehensive knowledge of the whole market in order to compare and create a product line this unique. In France, traditionally known as the world's leader in the production of essential oils, Dr. Hozzel's oils have become a trademark for the highest quality. 

Dr. Hozzel's many years of travel have lead him to build close relationships with farmers in countries all over the world who cultivate healing plants organically, and as a result, he has developed one of the worlds most exquisite collections of essential oils. It is important to Dr. Hozzel to support the smaller growers - and only those growers who practice methods of cultivation, which are in accordance with the laws of Nature, utilizing methods of distillation, which do not damage the pure essence of the plants. These important processes can be assured through his personal contact with the farmers and distillers. 

Dr. Hozzel speaks seven different languages, travels every year to many of his growers and continues to personally select all the oils in his collection. Dr. Hozzel's resources have allowed him to grow his collection into one of the largest in the world.